Smokeless Is Not Harmless For Sacramento Tobacco Chewers

Smokeless Is Not Harmless For Sacramento Tobacco Chewers

Posted by ARDEN DENTAL CARE on Apr 1 2016, 11:13 AM

Smokeless Is Not Harmless For Sacramento Tobacco Chewers

Tobacco is harmful no matter its form. Hence, if you ever thought that smokeless tobacco is harmless, we are here to disprove that. In today’s blog, we’re taking a closer look at the adverse effects of smokeless tobacco on your overall health and oral health. Keep reading to learn more about them.

What Is Smokeless Tobacco?

Smokeless tobacco, as the name suggests, is tobacco that is not smoked. Instead, it is consumed by chewing, inhaling, or sucking, allowing the nicotine to reach the body through the oral tissues. 

Types of Smokeless Tobacco

The different types of smokeless tobacco include:

Chewing Tobacco

This type of tobacco is sold in the form of compressed, braided, or loose leaves. You need to place it between the cheek and the gums to start chewing. After chewing, the saliva is usually spat out or swallowed. 


Suns is moist tobacco sold in pouches. It originated in Sweden and claims to kill cancer-causing bacteria. That is why it is believed that it causes less harm than smoking cigarettes. However, this is not entirely true and, hence, avoiding this form of tobacco is a healthier option.


Snuff is available in the form of dry or moist packaged pouches. The consumer usually inhales this type of tobacco.

Dissolvable Tobacco

This type of tobacco is available in the form of powder-pressed tablets. The tablets are kept in the mouth until dissolved or chewed.

Adverse Health Effects of Smokeless Tobacco

Opting for smokeless tobacco is just as harmful as smoking cigarettes. Some of the negative effects of smokeless tobacco are:

  • Getting addicted to nicotine
  • Increasing the risk of cancer, especially in the mouth, pancreas, and throat, as well as the development of precancerous tissues called leukoplakia 
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate with regular consumption 
  • Adverse effects on your dental health. Smokeless tobacco can cause dental issues like teeth staining, gum disease, abrasion, cavities, and others.
  • Quit Consuming Smokeless Tobacco
  • Quitting smoking isn’t enough. You need to stop consuming tobacco in any other forms as well if you want to stay healthy. 

Quit Consuming Smokeless Tobacco

Quitting smoking isn’t enough. You need to stop consuming tobacco in any other forms as well if you want to stay healthy. 

If you need help with your addiction, our team at Arden Dental Care can help. We can also help you get rid of the damage caused by smokeless tobacco, such as stains or gum disease. 

Dr. Talluri at Arden Dental Care offers advanced dental services to patients in Sacramento, California. For more details or to request an appointment, call us at (916) 481-2001 or visit us at 1832 Avondale Ave Ste 1, Sacramento, CA 95825.

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