Oral Health Care During Pregnancy

Oral Health Care During Pregnancy

Posted by ARDEN DENTAL CARE on Mar 7 2023, 07:52 AM

Oral Health Care During Pregnancy

Good oral health during pregnancy has many important benefits for both you and your baby. In this article, we will take a look at some of the ways oral health affects pregnancy.

Pregnancy Gums and Oral Health

Many mothers-to-be experience heightened sensitivity during pregnancy, particularly in the teeth and gums. This is likely due to hormonal changes that soften the gum tissue and increase blood flow in the oral tissues, boosting pain responses in the body. As a result, you may be more likely to have gum inflammation and tenderness during pregnancy than at any other point in your life. In addition, the risks that can contribute to gum disease—such as poor oral hygiene habits—are also more likely during this time. That’s why it’s more important than ever to keep your smile clean and healthy throughout your pregnancy.

To keep your mouth in its best shape possible, be sure to practice thorough brushing and flossing at home every day. If possible, brush your teeth after every meal and snack to avoid plaque buildup that contributes to gum disease. It’s also helpful to schedule regular dental cleanings and exams during your pregnancy so you can monitor your oral health and find potential issues before they cause painful symptoms or complications. These visits will also help your dental hygienist clear away any stubborn plaque from your teeth that could otherwise increase your risk of gingivitis.

Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, it isn’t a good idea to have dental treatment done while your baby is still developing. Your baby’s teeth begin to develop during the second trimester of pregnancy and continue to develop after birth. Hence, having dental work done during this time may result in complications for the baby. You should wait until after your baby is born to have your dental care completed.

If you have oral health issues that are causing you discomfort or pain, please contact our office to schedule an appointment for an examination and cleaning. Doing this will help treat your pain and improve your oral health until you are able to have more advanced treatments such as root canals, crowns, and dental implant placement.

Additionally, pregnant women should pay special attention to their oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day is important in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. It is also important to change your toothbrush every three to four months to ensure that you brush with a tool that is clean and free of bacteria.

Please schedule an appointment online or call the Dentist in Sacramento, CA, at (916) 481-2001 to have a consultation with Dr. Talluri. We also serve areas including Sacramento 94203, Carmichael 95608, Arden-Arcade 95825, North Highlands 95660, and Citrus Heights 95621. 

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