Invisalign and Celebrities

Invisalign and Celebrities

Posted by ARDEN DENTAL CARE on Aug 29 2018, 10:35 AM

Invisalign and Celebrities

Invisalign is the most modern and convenient way of straightening your crooked teeth while enabling you to show off your smile. It works similarly to traditional braces, but it looks much better on teeth, being composed of clear polymers rather than unattractive metals. Therefore, teenagers, professionals, or adults can improve their smiles without anybody knowing. Visit Arden Dental Care in Sacramento, CA, to obtain the best dental treatment and care available, including Invisalign.

What Is Invisalign?

Crooked or misaligned teeth not only appear unappealing, but they can also make cleaning difficult. Periodontal disease can develop in teeth that cannot be properly cleaned. This increases the likelihood of gum and bone damage, as well as tooth loss.

Invisalign is a procedure that can address your dental alignment issues while also providing you with many health benefits. These aligners are used to rectify misalignment and overcrowding problems. You can have a beautiful smile in a short period without the trouble of probing wires. It is a very convenient alternative to braces that works quite well for teeth straightening.

Celebrities and Invisalign

Invisalign’s popularity in recent years has grown so much that even famous celebrities are sporting them. They are choosing Invisalign over conventional braces that are unsightly, uncomfortably tight, and can be painful to wear. Check out some of our favorite celebrities that have been seen wearing Invisalign:

Tom Cruise

Heartthrob Tom Cruise used Invisalign to improve on an already well-loved smile, proving that it is not only women who value having a great smile. 

Justin Bieber 

Bieber enjoyed his Invisalign aligners so much that he expressly mentioned them in his YouTube videos. So whenever you see his picture, you can credit Invisalign for his lovely smile.

Eva Longoria

Eva, who has always been fascinated by her "squint" smile, recently revealed that she wore Invisalign to rectify her overlapping smile.

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Metal braces are frequently too visible, whereas Invisalign aligners are clear and practically undetectable.
  • Invisalign aligners are created using cutting-edge technology. And the treatment is meticulously planned and designed with the help of specialized software.
  • There are no metal pieces in Invisalign aligners, which would have been uncomfortable. This also aids in the prevention of injuries.
  • The therapy is less painful than with metal braces since Invisalign aligners softly press your teeth.

To schedule an appointment with Arden Dental Care, call (916) 481-2001 or visit 1832 Avondale Ave Ste 1, Sacramento, CA 95825. Experience how much of a difference a straighter smile can make in your life!

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