Father’s Day Dentistry Tips

Father’s Day Dentistry Tips

Posted by ARDEN DENTAL CARE on Jun 11 2018, 10:43 AM

Father’s Day Dentistry Tips

Happy Father’s Day! Coincidentally Father’s Day celebration month and Oral Health Month are the same. So this blog is for all amazing Dad’s out there in the greater Sacramento area! We have shared a few favorite dental care tips for you. Check them out:

Be The Example of Dental Care in your Household

Kids watch and learn from you. If you display yourself as a good example of oral hygiene, they will follow your lead. In their early childhood years, make sure to participate in their oral hygiene routine.

Be Proactive in Your Own Health

Health is wealth. It is essential to stay healthy to lead a long, happy life. Certain studies have proven that your oral health can affect your overall health. This means when you have oral disease, it can directly or indirectly affect the other parts of your body. 

Go To Your Child’s Dental Appointment

We are happy to welcome fathers who bring their children for their dental visits on time. Children value the support and input you bring to oral health habits.

For more tips, contact the best in the business - Arden Dental Care. Walk into 1832 Avondale Ave Ste 1, Sacramento, CA 95825 or contact us at (916) 481-2001/ smiles@ardendentalcare.com.

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